
Author: Emerald Animal Hospital Cleveland West

Potbellied Pigs

Long a staple of barnyards, pigs are beginning to show up more and more in our backyards. But these porcine pets aren’t exactly like the farm animals most of us are familiar with. Potbellied pigs, a breed that originates in Vietnam and is smaller than the standard farm pig in the United States, have been embraced by some as wonderful pets. But are they? In this podcast, Dr. Valarie Tynes, a behavior consultant in Texas, talks about potbellied pigs.


Help Your Cat Live All 9 Lives

In 2006, owners took their dogs to veterinarians more than twice as often as cats. To address this discrepancy in care, the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) released their Feline Life Stage Guidelines. These guidelines provide health care recommendations specific to the various life stages of cats and offer strategies to help veterinarians address common stressors and work more successfully with anxious cats. In this podcast, Dr. Jane Brunt, past president of the AAFP and executive director of the CATalyst Council, talks about these new guidelines and the importance of bringing your cat to the veterinarian … even when she doesn’t appear to be sick.