

Adopt a Senior Pet Month

Puppies and kittens are adorable. This certainly isn’t breaking news. And it’s no surprise that many people, when considering bringing a pet into their homes, primarily look into adopting a puppy or a kitten. In the meantime, however, they may be overlooking older dogs and cats that might be a more suitable fit for their homes and lifestyles. To help get these older animals out of shelters and into homes, November has been designated as Adopt a Senior Pet Month. Dr. René Carlson, president of the AVMA, explains why older dogs and cats make such great pets.


Lost and Found

Although it may be difficult to estimate the number of stray dogs and cats living in the United States, it is a significant enough number that people encounter them on a regular basis. A common question that arises in this situation is, “what should I do?” In this podcast, Dr. Bernadine Cruz, associate veterinarian at Laguna Hills Animal Hospital in Laguna Woods, Calif., discusses what you should do when coming across a stray dog or cat.


Why Dogs Scoot

You’ve probably seen dogs scoot before … pulling themselves forward on their front legs and allowing their rear end to drag against the floor. But what does this behavior mean, exactly? Are they just creatively scratching a hard-to-reach itch, or could this behavior indicate the need for medical attention? In this podcast, Dr. Ernie Ward, founder and chief-of-staff of Seaside Animal Care in Calabash, N.C., and a featured veterinarian on the Rachael Ray Show, discusses scooting in dogs.


Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Lights and decorations, costumes and masks, a constant parade of strangers at the door … Halloween can be a downright spooky experience for our pets. So what can pet owners do to ensure their furry friends have a happy and healthy holiday? In this podcast, Dr. Kim May, assistant director of professional and public affairs at the AVMA, discusses ways to ensure your pets’ health and safety this Halloween.