

Victoria Stilwell Shares Tips to Stop Dogs From Biting

This week is National Dog Bite Prevention Week, hosted by the AVMA to help stop the nearly 5 million dog bites that happen every year in the United States. Last week we spoke about dog bite prevention with former AVMA president Dr. Bonnie Beaver, focusing more on the human behaviors that might trigger, or prevent, dog bites. This week, we want to focus on canine behavior, and what dog owners can do to prevent their dogs from biting. In this podcast, Victoria Stilwell, dog trainer and host of Animal Planet’s “It’s Me or the Dog,” shares training tips to help prevent dog bites.


Things to Ask Your Veterinarian

While we rely on the expertise of our veterinarians to ensure the health and well-being of our pets, pet owners know more about their animals than anyone, and it’s vital that we bring that knowledge with us when visiting the veterinarian. So what should we be prepared to talk about or ask our veterinarians on a visit? In this podcast, Dr. René Carlson, a small animal veterinarian from Wisconsin and president-elect of the AVMA, talks about things to ask your veterinarian.