

Cushing’s Disease in Dogs

Losing hair, gaining weight, going to the bathroom more often … these could just be signs that your dog is getting older, or they might be symptoms of Cushing’s disease, which, if properly treated, could greatly increase your dog’s quality of life. In this podcast, Dr. Christopher Byers, a board certified internist and critical care specialist, and the director of intensive care at VCA Veterinary Referral Associates in Gaithersburg, Md., talks about Cushing’s disease in dogs.


Garlic: Hazardous or Healthy for My Pet?

When it comes to giving human foods to pets, there seems to be a consensus on the risk of some foods or ingredients—like chocolate, grapes, and the artificial sweetener Xylitol—but some disagreement on others. Garlic, for example, is often considered to be hazardous to pets, but some believe that garlic is beneficial in moderation, either to boost the pet’s immune system or as an anti-flea treatment. In this podcast, Dr. Tina Wismer, senior director of veterinary outreach and education at the ASPCA’s Poison Control Center, talks about garlic and pets.


Tear Staining: A Cry for Help?

Tear staining is something that most dog owners have seen. Apart from being mildly unappealing to look at, most of us just dismiss the stained, wet fur in the corners of our dog’s eyes as normal. So is tear staining just a cosmetic issue, or can it be a sign of a more serious problem? In this podcast, Dr. Bill Miller, a board-certified-veterinary ophthalmologist from Jackson, Miss., discusses tear staining in dogs.


Disease Precautions for Hunters

There is an increasing awareness among hunters that there are health risks associated with hunting and handling wildlife. While this shouldn’t discourage people from hunting, it should encourage hunters to learn how to reduce the risks they might be exposed to. In this podcast, Dr. Peregrine Wolff, a veterinarian with the Nevada Department of Wildlife and chair of the AVMA Committee on Environmental Issues, talks about how hunters can minimize the health risks associated with hunting and handling wildlife.