

Aquatic Veterinary Medicine

Fish have always been a popular choice of pet. They’re relatively easy to care for, soothing to watch in their tanks, and they never leave a surprise for you at the foot of your bed. More veterinarians than ever before are treating not just valuable koi, but also goldfish won at county fairs. Dr. Helen Roberts, a practicing veterinarian in Orchard Park, N.Y., and vice chair of the AVMA’s Aquatic Veterinarian Medical Committee, talks about aquatic veterinary medicine.


Pets and Stress

Humans don’t have a monopoly on stress. Our pets can be affected by stress, too. A new house, time spent in a kennel, and trips to the veterinarian are just some ways our pets can become stressed. But whatever the cause, stress can be reduced by incorporating behavioral enrichment into our pets’ lives, says Dr. Melissa Bain, a professor in the Companion Animal Behavior Program at the University of California-Davis College of Veterinary Medicine.