

Ramona needs a home! She is a 5 year old American Bulldog. Ramona is current o…

Ramona needs a home! She is a 5 year old American Bulldog. Ramona is current on all her vaccines and is being spayed this week. She has an issue we call “happy tail” – she is so happy she wags her tail into everything and makes the end of it bleed. We have been trying to get her poor tail to heal using bandages but she may have to have part of her tail amputated as it is not healing.
Ramona is being fostered by one of our clients but she unfortunately cannot keep her. She says Ramona is good with children and other dogs, but she is very rambunctious so a smaller dog could be bowled over by her enthusiasm.
Ramona is in need of some basic obedience training and would benefit from working with a trainer.
If you are interested in adopting Ramona you can call (216) 324-5626.