
Feline Resolutions for 2018

New year means a new you, right? But what about your feline friend? Here are some resolutions to help make 2017 one of the best years of their 9 lives!

  1. Designate specific play and snuggle time: Make sure that you set aside time in your busy schedule to bond with your kitty.  Play time and cuddling will also be relaxing for you, so remember that this benefits both of you!
  2. Schedule an annual physical exam: Annual veterinary visits are vital to a cat’s long and healthy life.  While at home, keep an eye out for any lumps, bumps, or behavior changes and talk to your veterinarian about them.  Many diseases that end up being fatal can be treated when diagnosed early.
  3. Keep up with that flea and heartworm prevention: Fleas are just downright gross and no human or cat likes them.  Heartworms, on the other hand, are potentially fatal in cats as there is no treatment available.  Prevention is key, so keep them safe with a once-a-month heartworm prevention medication from your veterinarian.
  4. Set up a “Catstagram”: That’s right, an Instagram account for your cat.  Take all kinds of photos and videos.  The Internet loves cats, so why not let them love yours? In addition to this, having lots of recent photos of your cat will only be beneficial if your cat were ever to go missing.
  5. Put your cat on a diet: If you’ve got a few pounds to lose this year, ask your veterinarian if Snowball should go on a diet too.  Whether your cat is too lean, just right, or could shed a pound or two, your veterinarian will be able to recommend the best foods for your pet.
  6. Try a new toothbrush: See if you can get your cat into a teeth-brushing regimen.  Talk to your veterinarian about the best ways to slowly introduce the toothbrush to your cat to make brushing time easier.  Dental disease can lead to many other medical problems [such as heart problems] later on in life, so better start brushing now!
  7. Update that microchip: If you haven’t microchipped your cat, talk to your veterinarian about the procedure.  It increases your kitty’s chances of returning home when lost significantly [cats without microchips have less than a 1% chance of returning home whereas those who have a microchip have over a 38% chance of coming home].  If your cat has already been microchipped, use your online login to make sure that your contact information is up-to-date.
  8. Get those medical records in shape: Make sure you have copies of your cat’s medical records in an organized binder or folder and are stored in an easy-to-access place in case of an emergency.  Taking the hour on a normal day to sit down and organize the records could be life-saving when an accident happens.
  9. Make a feline emergency kit: Complete with a first-aid kit, food and water, a small bag of litter and an appropriate litter box, a blanket, a leash and a carrier, and any medications your cat may need.  Talk to your veterinarian to customize your kitty’s emergency kit to your individual needs.

We hope that these resolutions work out well and remember to tailor them to your individual cat!  If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment for your pet, give us at Emerald Animal Hospital a call at 216-688-3737!  Our experienced veterinarians and staff would be more than happy to help in getting your pet started on their best year yet!