
It’s Hip to Chip: May is Microchip Awareness Month🏠🐾

More pets go missing on July 4th than any other day. It is estimated that 1 in 3 pets will go missing in their lifetime. Without permanent identification, 90% of those lost pets will not return home.

This month, we are pleased to offer HomeAgain Microchipping and Lifetime Enrollment for only $38.50!

With the beautiful weather coming, we hope you and your furry friend will be out enjoying the sunshine. However, dogs can slip out of collars and cats can sneak through closing doors. Microchipping gives your pet a permanent identification number that is registered to you, which increases the odds that you will be reunited with your furry family member. Our HomeAgain microchips cover your pet for their entire life, unlike other subscription services, and can be scanned by any universal scanner. Microchipping does not hurt your pet, require surgery, or wear out, but does give your pet the best chance of coming back to you!