With Disney’s new movie coming out this weekend, we’re thinking about the animals in our lives. Here are some signs that you probably live in a Zootopia yourself!
1. Your home is open to all species
With Disney’s new movie coming out this weekend, we’re thinking about the animals in our lives. Here are some signs that you probably live in a Zootopia yourself!
1. Your home is open to all species
Hearts should be filled with love, not worms! Heartworm disease is a life-threatening condition, but fortunately, it is easily prevented. It only takes one bite from an infected mosquito to spread the heartworm parasite to your pet. It migrates through the blood stream and settles ... READ MORE»
We’ve searched the Internet to bring you 10 pets whose Valentine’s Day game is better than any human’s we’ve ever seen. (We warn you in advance, the cuteness is overwhelming!)
1.) Check out this handsome stud! Any girl would be lucky to have this cutie ... READ MORE»
Does your pet have bad breath? Smile, this month you’ll save $30 on a professional dental cleaning! If your pet forgets to brush sometimes, plaque accumulates and tartar forms on the teeth. Bacteria can travel in the bloodstream of your pet, causing not only a ... READ MORE»
U.S. pet obesity rates continue to increase. A survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) found 52.5 percent of dogs and 58.3 percent of cats to be overweight or obese by their veterinarian. That equals approximately 80 million U.S. dogs and cats ... READ MORE»