
Pets Can Boost Your Heart Health!

You read that title right! Recent studies are showing that there are human health benefits to owning an animal companion! Check out these health benefits to having a pet!


  • Owning a pet of any kind is correlated to lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of cardiac disease. (1)
  • Spending time with your pet reduces stress responses in your body. (1)(2)
  • Dog owners frequently have lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels than people without dogs.  Many dog owners also do not experience as much cardiac reactivity to stress! (1)
  • Dog owners also are more likely to get their medically recommended amount of exercise. (2)
  • Pets also provide more opportunity for human social interaction, which can benefit the psychological health of their owners.


We knew that our pets always touched our hearts, but this new research has gotten us even more excited!

Have you experienced any of these health benefits from your pets?  Let us know in the comments below!